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Contribute to Myopia Focus

Myopia Focus is dedicated to raising awareness about myopia and providing information and resources to our audiences. As part of our efforts, we want to create a space where eye care professionals can share their knowledge and insights on myopia with a wider audience. This will not only help increase understanding of myopia but also promote collaboration and the exchange of ideas within the optometry community.


You can submit full articles or contribute to existing articles or ones we are writing.


Contribute to an article

Contribute to one of our upcoming articles:​

Parent Focused:

  • Does wearing glasses all the time worsen myopia?

  • How can I fix myopia naturally? (Parent Question)

  • Why is Atropine offered in the US, but not in the UK?

  • At what age does myopia get worse?

​Check out this example which has been written by Keyur Patel

Practitioner Hub:

  • How and when do you start talking about myopia management to parents?

  • How do you decide which myopia management treatment to offer?

Check out this example which has been written by James Loughman


What do you gain?

  • Help the Cause - raise awareness and help educate parents about why myopia matters and myopia management techniques.

  • Raise your profile - Be listed as a contributor on Myopia Focus, giving you recognition for your work and expertise in the field.


  • Drive Interest - We can embed links within the article to relevant websites/pages of your choice.


  • Increase your visibility - Articles are shared on our social media channels, further increasing your visibility and reach.


  • Drive Enquiries - Get found by parents looking for specialist eye care professionals by listing your practice on our Find a Specialist page (if applicable).


  • Spread the word - Article featured in monthly newsletter which is emailed to parent community members and your peers.

what do you gain
Write an article

Write an Article - Guidelines 

We welcome the submission of articles on subjects of your choosing. To ensure an efficient review process, we kindly ask that you follow the guidelines below when submitting your article:


  • Topic: Relevant to myopia and be educational, informative, and well-researched.


  • Audience: Parents 


  • Originality: The article must be original and not previously published elsewhere. It should not be plagiarized or contain any copyrighted material.


  • Length: 300 to 1000 words.


  • Formatting: Microsoft Word format as an attached file. Include a title and subtitle if applicable.


  • References: Please provide a complete list of references.


  • Images: Where possible, provide high quality, relevant to the content, and appropriately cited.


  • Author bio: Please include a short bio (50-100 words) at the end of the article.


  • Submission: Please include your full name, contact information, and relevant website/social media links in the email.

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